Books by Anthony Garvey


The story hooked me in and the pace kept me reading.

Cathy Cassidy, Best-selling children's author

A​ great series. I honestly can’t wait for the sequel.


Being a character in​ the​ Gravespeakers​' series makes me incredibly happy.

Ruth McCarthy, Competition winner

Gravespeakers:Maria takes small step towards big screen

Gravespeakers:Maria featured in the Irish Times, Ireland’s national newspaper recently with exciting news The popular Gravespeakers’ series of children’s books, written by Anthony Garvey, is one step closer to coming alive on the big screen. A three-minute animated trailer of the first book in the series, Gravespeakers:Maria, is under development…

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Want a part in one of Anthony’s next books? Anthony will choose one lucky winner to star in his next book and it could be you!! Ruth McCarthy and Callum Houston both won this amazing prize. The winner will become the main character of a book in my new series.…

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Stunning fan art…

Some stunning fan art from Olga Pachacz from Presentation Primary School Tralee. Olga kindly allowed me to reproduce on the site. “I love your Gravespeakers series,” Olga says.  “I hope your next set of books will be just as good as the first ones.”

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The Gravespeakers Series: For 8-12 year olds

The Gravespeakers Book series

I have two children. From the moment they were born, I made up stories for them when they went to bed at night.

When they were very young they paid no attention to me at all, but as they grew a little older, they started to listen.

“You should make your story into a book,” my oldest son said one day.  It was my turn to listen.

100 days later I published The Dark Green Book of Dreams.

Then I began to work on the Gravespeakers’ series, a set of six books for children between 8 and 12 years of age.

I write 3 books a year so you won’t have to wait too long for the next one to come along.

I absolutely LOVE visiting schools to do book readings from the Gravespeakers series or creative writing workshops.  So if you’d like me to visit your school, ask your teacher to get in touch!

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