April 06, 2023: From the Kerryman Newspaper: For the past number of weeks, students from Presentation Secondary in Listowel have been diligently preparing behind the scenes to celebrate its inaugural Presentation Writers’ Week; a week that aimed at pay homage to the rich culture of writing that is heavily indoctrinated into the life of the North Kerry community.
To kick start the week long series of events, all of which took place last week, Presentation Listowel, were privileged to be able to able to visit St. John’s Theatre where they were treated to a private viewing of An Cailín Ciùin.
After this, alongside the wisdom of several writers and guest speakers to the school including Anthony Garvey, Emma Larkin, Helena Close, Nicholas MacLachan, Stephen Connolly and many more, this all made for a truly enthralling week that captivated the hearts of the budding writers in Pres.
Jimmy Deenihan met with the students to give them a history of the great writers that helm from North Kerry while students were also treated to a trip to the Everyman in Cork to see Macbeth proved to be a major success.